Marshall Middle School Day of Caring

Marshall Middle School 6th graders spent a couple mornings out helping their neighbors in the community by raking leaves for those that can’t get out to rake themselves.  Way to go Marshall 6th graders!  Thank you for helping out your community!


Marshall Middle School 6th grade student help out their neighbors during the "Youth Day of Caring". Students and teachers Kari Jolink, Jerry Underhill and Amanda Morick helped out Marshall residents who were unable to rake this year. Special thanks to Eaton for providing rakes and tarps and to Monarch Community Bank for the pizza lunch!
Marshall Middle School 6th grade student help out their neighbors during the “Youth Day of Caring”. Students and teachers Kari Jolink, Jerry Underhill and Amanda Morick helped out Marshall residents who were unable to rake this year. Special thanks to Eaton for providing rakes and tarps and to Monarch Community Bank for the pizza lunch!

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